Ag Ed Class Fee for all 7th - 12th grade AG Ed students:   $25  for full year class with a yearly maximum of $100 per family

Drivers Education Class Fee: $150 fee per student for Behind the Wheel (BTW) portion of class

Sports Participation Fee for all students K- 12th grade who participate in any sport:    $30 per activity with a yearly maximum of $150 per family

** students receive free admission to all home contests they are participating in.

Student Season Ticket:  $40 for a 3 season pass for K - 12th students with a yearly maximum of $120 per family  (this is separate from participation fee).

Adult Season Ticket: $85 for a 3 season pass (volleyball, girls & boys basketball)

Senior Citizen Season Ticket:  $60  for a 3 season pass (volleyball, girls & boys basketball)

Individual Game Ticket Pricing: K-12 $5, Adult $8

Double Header Ticket Pricing: K-12 $5, Adults $10

** Season tickets are valid for ALL elementary, junior high, C, JV and Varsity contests in Medina & Pingree-Buchanan. 

If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 486-3121.