I wanted to take some time to give everyone an update on the school’s facility plan. Over the summer we conducted a community survey to gather feedback from staff, parents, and community members. We also held a couple community meetings to provide information about the proposed options for a building addition/renovation. Tours of the school were also provided as part of these community meetings.

The results of this survey were presented to our school board in early August. The survey showed that there IS support for a bond referendum to create more classroom space for our students. However, the 3 options that were proposed in the survey are too costly and are NOT supported by the majority of our tax payers. With this information, our school board has decided to go back to the drawing board to significantly decrease the scope of the project.  The school board will continue to work with the architects to put together a plan that meets our needs. The project will now be focused on adding an addition to provide more classroom space. Other renovations and capital maintenance projects that were part of the previous options will be eliminated from the project to significantly decrease costs.

A community meeting is planned for Wednesday, September 27 at 5:00 PM to provide more information on the updated plan. I encourage the community to attend this meeting so that you can hear firsthand about the updated plans for our school. Hot dogs and chips will be served during this meeting as well. In the meantime, if there are any questions about the facility plan or process, please visit the “School Facility Plan” page on our website to view the survey results and other information relevant to our facility plan. You may also reach out to me or a school board member if you have any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of our school and students!


Damon Bosche, Superintendent