Meet the Medina 4th graders!
over 5 years ago, Mary Wick
4th grade
Elementary Girls' Basketball will begin on Monday, August 26th. Information was sent home with students today. You can view the practice & game schedule here:
over 5 years ago, Medina Public School
Welcome BACK!! Please return all forms, including the Acceptable Use Form for Chromebooks and iPads. We won't issue these until those forms are signed and returned.
over 5 years ago, Tara Hofmann
Medina Fall Festival will be Friday, September 6-Sunday, September 8. We have lots of activities for the whole family planned for the weekend.
over 5 years ago, Tara Hofmann
Fall Festival
Thank you Sgt. Aaron Schmidt for providing and grilling hot dogs for our back to school night. Thank you Choice Financial for the support and napkins.
over 5 years ago, Tara Hofmann
Choice Fincancial
Movie Night in the Park in Jamestown on Friday, August 24 for students ages 13-18.
over 5 years ago, Tara Hofmann
Movie Night in the Park
Welcome back to school! So excited to see all the smiling faces on the 21st!
over 5 years ago, Kim Hoffmann
The Social Studies Department is now using thrillshare!!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Fischer
Hope to see everyone on Wednesday!!
over 5 years ago, Wendy Matcha
Back to school night! Welcome back students and staff!!
over 5 years ago, Wendy Reister
Back to school
Hey Super Second Graders! Are you ready for school? I am. See you on Wednesday!!!
over 5 years ago, Joni Zink
Looking forward to a GREAT school year! #4thROCKS
over 5 years ago, Mary Wick
Welcome back to school! We are excited for a new school year! #3rdRocks
over 5 years ago, Elizabeth Schatz
Teacher in-service today at Medina Public School - learning about Thrillshare...stop by from 5-7pm to meet the teachers and have some hot dogs. :)
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Hayes
8-12 band students: You will be playing your instruments on the first day of school, so please make sure to bring them on Wednesday!!
over 5 years ago, Rochelle Bosche
band instruments
Ready to fill these frames with some smiling faces! #6thGradeRocks
over 5 years ago, Ms. Heupel
6th Grade Display
Happy first day of in-service to all my teacher friends!!!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Aaseth
Hope to see everyone at back to school night. Come see the new set up of the science room!
over 5 years ago, Kaylie Hieb
I am so excited to meet the "Future Kindergarten Crew" tonight at open house!
over 5 years ago, Heidi Perleberg
Happy birthday to Mrs. Wick and Mr. Bosche!
over 5 years ago, Jessica Carlson